Trademark Search Blog

8 07, 2023

USPTO Name Search, It Can Be Challenging


Navigating the USPTO TESS trademark system during a USPTO Name Search is indeed complex, requiring expertise and careful handling. The Challenges of a USPTO Name Search For attorneys involved in intellectual property rights, USPTO Name Search is a critical part of their practice. However, utilizing this free resource effectively poses several challenges: Multiple Search Fields: [...]

USPTO Name Search, It Can Be Challenging2023-08-08T18:43:52-04:00
5 07, 2023

How to do a Trademark Search


Would you like to try to do your own Trademark Search? We hope The following information is helpful. Doing your own trademark search, while cost effective is not always a good idea. You probably do not have access to the tools you need to properly create one and why bother when you can hire a [...]

How to do a Trademark Search2023-07-20T13:48:02-04:00
25 05, 2023

Wholesale Trademark Search


Is there such a thing as a wholesale trademark search? YES THERE IS!! As an attorney, lawyer or other IP professional tasked with researching trade names, you understand the importance of conducting thorough trademark searches for your clients. It's a time-consuming task that requires expertise and attention to detail. However, did you know there is [...]

Wholesale Trademark Search2023-07-18T17:13:07-04:00
17 05, 2023

Trademark paralegal, Should a lawyer use one?


The following information will help an attorney decide if they should hire a trademark paralegal to do in-house trademark searching/clear trademarks. Complexity of Trademark Searches: Consider the complexity of the trademark searches required. If the searches involve straightforward and routine tasks, a paralegal with appropriate training and experience may be capable of handling the work [...]

Trademark paralegal, Should a lawyer use one?2023-08-07T13:43:51-04:00
4 05, 2023

How to hire a Trademark Paralegal


To hire a paralegal to conduct a trademark search, attorneys can follow these steps: You can take all the info below into consideration & hire a trademark paralegal who may or may NOT do a good job, even do the work yourself. OR you can read the information on the right and consider using a [...]

How to hire a Trademark Paralegal2023-05-25T13:47:27-04:00
10 03, 2023

Trademark Search for Lawyers & Attorneys


If you are an Attorney or Lawyer who needs a trademark search partner then we say: YOU make the opinionLet US do the research! Why would some of the largest trademark lawyers in the country work with a company like Creative Trademark Services for well over 15 years, instead of the big boys at *Clarivate/Thomson Reuters®? Here [...]

Trademark Search for Lawyers & Attorneys2023-07-18T17:09:05-04:00
26 12, 2022

Why should I do a trademark search


Why should I do a Trademark Search? Let's dive in. A trademark search is vital when trademarking a brand or logo. It helps determine if the desired trademark is available. It also identifies potential conflicts with existing trademarks. This search can prevent expensive legal disputes later. Visit our services page right now! Why search? Avoid [...]

Why should I do a trademark search2023-08-08T18:07:28-04:00
9 11, 2022

State Trademark Search, Do you need one?


Is a State Trademark Search for you? Many people don't realize that there are two different types of trademarks: a federal trademark, which protects you on a federal level and a state trademark which protects you within one state only. STATE TRADEMARK VS. FEDERAL TRADEMARK The state trademark is going the way of the dodo bird [...]

State Trademark Search, Do you need one?2022-10-07T16:23:34-04:00
7 11, 2022

USPTO Trademark Search: It’s Not as Easy as You Think


The USPTO trademark search is complex, requiring skill and expertise to navigate. Let's dive into why this is the case. The Intricacies of USPTO TESS Trademark System While the USPTO's TESS trademark system is a free resource, understanding how to use it isn't as straightforward. An accurate USPTO trademark search involves: Utilizing Boolean Logic: Crafting [...]

USPTO Trademark Search: It’s Not as Easy as You Think2023-08-08T18:51:25-04:00
20 07, 2022

Trademark Search Provider with 25+ years of experience


Do you need a Trademark Search Provider? As attorneys and lawyers, you're often entrusted with safeguarding your client's brands, ideas, and innovations. However, the time-intensive task of conducting a thorough trademark search can slow down the process. Fortunately, this is where Creative Trademark, a leading trademark search provider, comes into the picture. For over 25 [...]

Trademark Search Provider with 25+ years of experience2023-07-18T16:05:47-04:00